Life Insurance with Colon Cancer


Life Insurance with Colon Cancer

If you have or had Colon Cancer we may be able to get coverage. This is an overview of how several of my carriers will determine what rate class you may or may not fit into.

Acceptance will vary according to the stage (size) and grade (degree of cell abnormality often described as well, moderately or poorly differentiated), as well as metastasis (spread) of the cancer.  This information should be available from the pathology report. The Carriers , during underwriting, will need this information.

The time frames given are measured from the point at which all curative treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy) is completed.

Stage I – With low risk factors and no metastasis, coverage may be considered within the first year after completion of successful treatment. Carriers may charge a  flat extra/thousand of $7.50 or $10 per $1000 extra charge, ranging down to $5 depending on the time elapsed. A Standard Health Class Rate is possible after three years.

With other high risk factors and no metastasis, coverage may be considered one or two years after completion of successful treatment with a flat extra/thousand of $12.50 or $15.00 per $1000 ranging down to $5 for a period of years, depending on time elapsed.  A Standard Health Class Rate is  possible after five or six years.

Stage II – With low risk factors and no metastasis,coverage may be considered two or three years after completion of successful treatment with a flat extra/thousand of $15 or $20 per $1000, ranging down to $5 for a period of years depending on the time elapsed.  A Standard Health Class Rate is possible after six or seven years.

With other high risk factors, may be considered three to five years after completion of successful treatment with a flat extra/thousand of $20 ranging down to $7.50 for a period of years depending on the time elapsed.  After seven to 9 years a Standard Class + a Table 2 rating may be possible. Table ratings are higher ratings that are beyond Standard.

Stage III – With low risk factors and no metastasis, may be considered two years after completion of successful treatment with a flat extra/thousand ranging from $15 to $5 per $1000, depending on the time elapsed.

With high risk factors and no metastasis, may be considered three years after completion of successful treatment with a flat extra/thousand ranging from $20 to $7.50 per $1000 for a period of years, depending on the time elapsed.

 Here are the questions that we will need to provide to the potential carriers: 

  • Stage?
  • Grade?
  • Any spread do to lymph nodes or other organs?  Where did it spread?
  • Dates of surgery?
  • Other treatment? Describe, if “yes”.
  • Dates of treatment, including recurrences?
  • Date all treatment with completed?
  • Date of most recent follow-up?
  • Name and address of physician of health facility that will have the most complete records?


Here are examples of how a carrier will document Colon Cancer:

  • Stage 1,  TIN0M0*, two years ago.  No other treatment; no recurrence.
  • Colon cancer with surgery and chemo 2000; treated at MSK, NYC.  No recurrence; annual follow-up.

*Maybe reported this way in pathology report: T=size  N=positive nodes  M=Metastasis

Contact me today for a no obligation quote. You can fill out my quote request form or give me a call. My number is 512-963-5000.