Life Insurance for Marijuana Users – Call Today!

Life Insurance for Marijuana Users

We can get you covered

If you smoke Marijuana either socially or you have a prescription for Medical Marijuana you CAN get covered (Subject to , of course, any other health issues) with several of our carriers.

Depending on use, you MAY qualify for Non Smoking rates versus Smoking Rates! This is the reason you need to use a  Life Insurance Broker versus a captive agent. Once I have your usage rate this will allow me to search through my carriers and get you the absolute best rate!

I have spoken to several clients who were “Afraid” they may get caught or exposed for using Marijuana. There is no reason to worry. We have HIPPA laws that keep your health information confidential from Law Enforcement and Government agencies. If you are a key member of a management staff or just don’t want others to know , you are safe with the HIPPA Laws.


Call me today for a no hassle, confidential review of your life insurance needs. Call me at 512-963-5000 or fill out my contact form.