Life Insurance with COPD

Life Insurance with COPD

Life insurance with COPD is possible depending on your current condition status. Take 5 minutes to read this article and then give me a call!

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a degenerative disorder of the lungs in which there is a reduced ability to expire air. COPD includes a combination of lung diseases such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease affects at least 15 million Americans. The majority of people diagnosed with COPD can be directly related to former heavy or current cigarette use. However, not all who smokers get COPD. Obstructive lung disease develops in 10-15% of all cigarette smokers and individuals who continue to smoke cigarettes are more likely to sustain a rapid progression of the disease than non-smokers.

The most accurate method of diagnosing COPD is the pulmonary function test, otherwise known as a spirometry test. It measures the amount of forced air exhaled into a tube. FEV1 is the maximum amount of air exhaled during the first second of a forced exhalation. The results help determine the severity of the COPD for the carrier. The average  non-smoking adult shows a decline in FEV1 of 20-25 ml per year whereas the average heavy smoker declines 40-45 ml per year.

Here are questions that will need to be answered:

1. Type of lung disease:
■ chronic bronchitis
■ emphysema
■ restrictive lung disease
■ asthma
2. Please list date when first diagnosed:
3. Have you been hospitalized for this condition?
4. Have you ever smoked?
5. Any medications (include inhalers)?
6. Have pulmonary function tests (a breathing test) ever been done?
7. Any abnormalities on an ECG or x-ray?
8. Any other major health problems (ex: heart disease, etc.)?

For underwriting purposes, it is imperative to determine the severity of COPD by having the ability to review the results of a spirometry test. COPD is classified into four groups: mild, moderate, severe, and extreme. The chart below helps define each group of COPD by symptoms, medication, % FEV1 compared to normal, and includes the expected table rating class. Table Ratings are where carriers will place you. For Example you may get a Standard Heath class rating plus a Table B. Yes, Table ratings are more expensive






Please give me a call and we can review your condition. Once I have gathered the details I will work with my in house underwriter and work to find you the best possible rate.

Call me today at 512-963-5000 or fill out my contact form.