Life Insurance with No Physical
By Tom Poblano – You can get a Life Insurance plan without a Physical Exam. We place polices daily for those that would like a Term or Whole Life insurance plan but do not want to take a physical exam.
I work with several carriers that offer Term Life Insurance and Whole Life (Permanent) Insurance with No Physical Exam.
How Much Coverage can I get?
Depending on your age, I have one carrier that will offer up to $350K of Term Life Insurance. Other Term Life carriers will generally allow up to $250K.
If you would like to run a quote for a Term Life Insurance Policy only, we have a carrier that can get you approved in under 10 Minutes! That’s right you can have a policy in place , as long as you qualify , in under 10 minutes! Click the Image to start the process!
Whole life policies can range up to $250K.
What is the cost difference between Fully Underwritten and No Physical Policies?
No Physical Exam Term Life Insurance policies will be higher . Sometimes twice the cost. However , if you are young and in good to excellent health the costs between a No Physical Exam and a Fully medically underwritten plan can be small.
I Understand that I can have coverage in place , very quickly , with No Physical Exam Polices, is this correct?
No physical exam policies can usually be in place in 3-30 days, depending on the carrier. Some carriers will order an APS ( Attending Physicians Statement) and this will increase the timeline by 1 – 2 weeks.
How is my Health status checked?
Carriers will order a MIB ( Medical Information Base) check. This database contains your past medical history. They will do a Pharmacy check to look at all prescription drugs. Lastly they will run a DMV report.
Sounds good, how do I get a quote?
That’s the easy part, Call me at 512-963-5000 or fill out my contact form. I do all quotes and applications, over the phone. There is never any hard sell or high pressure when you work with me.
If you would like to run your own No Physical Exam Life Insurance quote follow this link: Click HERE